No sooner has the Christmas and New Year celebrations finished and the next chapter in the Craft makers’ calendar is fast approaching us. February 14th is Valentine’s Day - a day when each and every one of us can express those feelings of love for a loved one.
The shops are already displaying their Valentine’s Gifts and even I have just completed the finishing touches to my new website page devoted to the day. While making the page, it got me thinking about the origins of Valentine’s Day. So I did some research and my favourite explanation is:
Unique Valentines day gifts |
In pagan festivals of 3rd century Rome, Feb 14th was a day to honour the goddess Juno who was the goddess of women and marriage. This was also the eve of the Feast of Lupercalia, a day to honour the God Lupercus who was said to watch over the shepherds and their flocks and keep them from the wolves that roamed outside Rome. During this time it was traditional for boys and girls to pick names from an urn and become partners for the festival. Sometimes the pairings lasted throughout the year (which began in March), and some even resulted in marriage.#
However you celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, spare a thought for those boys and girls in Rome, and for those that may be descendants from a name picked out of an urn!
For a little inspiration for Valentine’s Day, take a look here...
Unique Valentines Day Gifts