
My Artist Statement

I have recently been asked to write an artist statement to accompany my entry into the Made in Leicestershire directory. The artist statement was to be limited to 60 words (maximum) and should explain why I make my art, how I make it, what it’s made out of and what my art means to me. And to fit all that into 60 words is quite a challenge!

It was initially quite daunting when faced with a blank piece of paper; however there are many art websites offering some good advice, such as the Creativity Portal, that likens the artistic statement to the making of a stew.

Shpangle Jewellery artist statement
Shpangle Jewellery artist statement

My artist statement took about a day to write, with the much appreciated help from my wife Angela. I found it extremely helpful to have a second opinion to share ideas with and also to proof read the finished statement. Firstly I wrote down everything about myself and my work, including my inspirations, favourite materials and experiences. I then highlighted key phrases and words within this text and removed the rest. The key words and phrases were then essentially joined together into sentences and refined, resulting in the following artist statement (that is exactly 60 words long!!). 

Shpangle Jewellery Artist Statement

Inspired by a passion for taking everyday and recycled objects and transforming them into pieces of art, I predominantly use resin as a medium to enhance the colours and textures of encapsulated items.

I specialise in creating unique custom jewellery, preserving nostalgic and sentimental memorabilia. My satisfaction evolves from creating handmade personalised keepsakes that evoke pleasure for years to come.#

Please visit my Keepsake Jewellery website.

1 comment:

  1. Love the cartoon you chose to illustrate your very informative blog post :)
    Nic x


Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.