
Handmade Jewellery Marketing Ideas

I have recently been asked by several shops and other businesses interested in stocking my jewellery items if I had a brochure...and I haven’t! I have business cards and single sided A4 flyers but have never got around to producing a brochure.

So I have spent the last few days putting this together. I decided to have a 3-fold leaflet/brochure because it effectively divides a single A4 piece of paper into six sides. I can then cover I different aspect of my jewellery on each side. (Apologies for not being able to read the text but you get the general idea).

Shpangle Jewellery leaflet - Front
Shpangle Jewellery leaflet - Front

I decided to keep it simple and let the pictures do most of the talking and keep the words to a minimum. The style of the brochure follows quite closely to the style of my website, so it appears quite familiar when people visit my website. I used Microsoft Publisher to develop the brochure and it is extremely easy to use because it has lots of templates and useful add-ons that can be incorporated.

So when folded you are presented with a title page that summarises the contents of the brochure and then sides devoted to Lock of Hair keepsakes, Real Flower Jewellery, Pet Hair Keepsakes and then general keepsake gifts. The back of the brochure covers my online shop and summarises this with a series of jewellery pictures.

Shpangle Jewellery leaflet - Back
Shpangle Jewellery leaflet - Back

The beauty about this 3-fold design if that if I wanted to introduce a new line of jewellery in the future all I would need to do is to update one of the six sections. The final brochure is a simple but effective way of marketing your jewellery items, and the next time anybody asks me for a brochure...I have one!


  1. Great idea! Even in this modern age, not everyone has internet access so it's another way to show off your work.

  2. Like this idea. Looks good

  3. Great idea not making it too wordy, no matter how great your writing is, there is always someone who will not like it. The leaflet looks great!!


Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.