
My jewellery is in a Fashion Magazine!

I was contacted a few weeks ago from by a UK fashion magazine which focuses on alternative fashion and culture. They were putting together their latest addition and wanted to feature some of my unique cufflinks containing real jelly tot sweets within their wedding themed product spread!

And it came out this week so as it is my first time ‘in print’ I immediately bought a copy, and here I am (top left in the feature).
My Jelly Tot sweet cufflinks have been featured!
My Jelly Tot sweet cufflinks have been featured!

My cufflinks are part of their ‘Something new’ product spread where they were highlighting a few pieces that would make excellent accessories for an alternative wedding.

I am chuffed to bits, mainly because I was approached by them, it is fantastic free publicity and little old me is in a Fashion Magazine WOW!


  1. What a compliment to your work. Well done you and may your success continue.

  2. Well done!!! I'm really pleased, your jewellery is so different it deserves recognition!

  3. Fantastic news! Did you ask how they come across your work? Always good to know which promotion has worked and who your work appeals to. Hope there is many more Elissa

  4. congratulations! you must be really chuffed to see your stuff in print!

  5. Thats excellent, you must feel really good. The cufflinks look really fab- lovely bright colours, Yvonne

    (ive just noticed im following you twice somehow, I will look into that?!)

  6. Congratulations, and very well done Mick.

    I'm with Elissa, wondering which promotion worked so well?

    Bags of Swank by SimJaTa

  7. Awesome news! Well done and I hope it brings you bucket loads of success! xx

  8. Love your cufflinks - these are beautiful - well done.

  9. Woohoo!! Well done! See you in next month's Vogue?? :D


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