
Jedward, Jedward, Jedward!

Well, my wife came home last night and announced that she had been given a free gift of a suitcase. And a very nice one it was too. We haven't owned a suitcase in years and normally make do with carrier bags when we go away. The idea of owning a suitcase was quite novel and we all made suggestions of how best to use it, like for doing the shopping etc.

Then it came to me announcing my big news. I said 'I have won something today'...and we all did a big drum roll and then I announced what I had won.... 


A lovely Jedward keyring courtesy of the Glamglass Gifts Blog give away. As you can imagine there were lots of oooh's and aaarh's coming from all direction, and my 11 year-old daughter went hysterical! I think she automatically assumed that it was going to be for her!

So, many thanks to Rachel for her lovely giveaway, you certainly made our day, it's not often I get something as special as that and I will treasure it forever!


  1. Well congratulations to you both - hope you have bought lottery tickets! (They say luck comes in threes!)

    Enjoy your prizes...

    Ali (AKA AliCat)x

  2. Oh Yeah go for the lottery!!! :-))))))

  3. Make your daughter work for it. What do you need done. Maybe she could wash the car!

  4. keyring handed over now...just to shut her up!

  5. Well done on your win Shpangle jnr :)



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