
Horse and Pony Hair Bracelet

I finished this custom jewellery order this week so thought I would show it off! It was made for a lady who owns six ponies and wanted the hair of each pony set within different charms for a charm bracelet. Each heart shaped charm was also coloured to represent the pony's colours and a small gem embedded into each resin heart. Apparently each pony has its own unique colour so that all equipment such as buckets and blankets are all colour coded to match.

Rainbow Horse and Pony hair bracelet
Rainbow Horse and Pony hair bracelet

Unusually this bracelet took me over two weeks to make, mainly due to the fact that I only had one mould cavity that suited the size and style of heart that she wanted for the charms, so as you can imagine it was quite a production line to get it completed! She is extremely happy with the finished bracelet and I am too as it has my favourite colour combinations and I love rainbows! 

You can see more horse and pony jewellery designs that I have previously had commissioned on my Horse hair jewellery website page.


  1. What a great idea, and lovely bracelet too, I love the colours.


  2. You are so clever!!

    That's a really lovely idea - I bet they were thrilled.

    Emily xx

  3. It's so beautiful as well as so symbolic!


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