
"Forget-me-not" my Lady Daisy

My favourite flowers of all have got to be daisies and forget-me-nots. They are both beautiful flowers and seem to grow as nature intended...everywhere! I am not one for garden flowers and if I had my way would leave the garden to become more 'natural'. Daisies remind me of long summer days sitting in a field making daisy chains, and forget-me-nots as well as being beautiful, well I just love the name.

There are many legends and folklore descriptions regarding the origin of the name Forget-me-not, and most are connected with romance and tragic fate. Forget-me-nots were often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and it was supposed that the wearer of the flowers would not be forgotten by their lovers. The legend that I particularly like comes from medieval times:

Once upon a time a medieval knight and his lady were having a romantic walk besides a river. As they walked, the knight picked flowers for his lady and held a bouquet of flowers in his hands. As he picked the flowers, (and probably due to the weight of his armour), he fell over into the water. According to the legend, as he was drowning he threw the bouquet at his lady shouting "forget-me-not".

Sadly the forget-me-nots have now finished flowering in my garden, however I did manage to preserve a few in my jewellery this week. I have been so busy recently with custom jewellery orders that I have not had time for anything else, so this week I reserved some time for me! These forget-me-nots were picked and pressed this Spring and the daisies were picked by my little boy last summer whilst we were playing in a local park.

Real flower jewellery
Daisy and Forget me not pendant and brooch

The flowers have been sealed in clear resin and I have made one into a pendant and the other into a matching brooch. Although I am not normally keen on the colour pink, I gave them a pink pearl-like backing which I tend to do with most of my pressed flower jewellery as it kind of suits it!

So thankfully now I can admire these forget-me-nots all year round!

Please visit my real flower jewellery website page to see more of my pressed flower jewellery.


  1. Beautiful! And I love your sentiment - we had our back garden remodelled last year, and have kept the planting as natural as possible.

    Off to look at your website now. :-)

  2. Just scrolling down my blog list and I stopped and thought "Now I like those" before I knew it was you. They really are lovely, and love the storytime to go with them.



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