
Buckets and Spades of Inspiration

I have been a little quiet recently with my blog and that's because I have just got back from a fantastic two week holiday in Cornwall! We went to the same place that we visit just about every year for the last ten years and I can't think of a nicer place in the world that I would like to be at. The beatiful scenery, coastal walks and beaches are breathtaking and I am already arranging to book our holiday there for next year!

Polly Joke Beach Cornwall
Polly Joke Beach Cornwall

We stop at a place called West Pentire, near Crantock on the west coast. The coastline in this area is thankfully protected by The National Trust and the whole area is beautiful...oooh I just want to go back now. I find Cornwall so inspirational and can see why so many artists and crafters base themselves there.

Mick Cluley at West Pentire, Cornwall
Mick Cluley at West Pentire, Cornwall

Having cleared my mind with the Atlantic sea breeze and taken in the inspiration of the area, I have had a good think about what I want to achieve with my crafting. I don't really want to be known just for my resin based jewellery and have decided to have a good long break from it. Of course I will continue with custom jewellery orders (which I have got home to find stacks of them waiting on my door mat), but I want to start making jewellery using more natural objects, so watch this space!

I hope you all have an equally good holiday!



  1. Sounds great! And Looks like you had good weather too! Hope you're well rested :)

  2. What a stunning beautiful place! Glad you had a nice holiday, Mick.

    I can't wait to see what your next collection will be - looks like you got more than some good R&R down in Cornwall!

    Looking forward to seeing/reading about your new stuff soon...

    Ali x

  3. Glad you had a great holiday and I'm looking forward to seeing your new jewellery

  4. Looks and sounds wonderful Mick!!! Can't wait to see your new ideas!! :-))

  5. Your plans sound very exciting, will have to keep checking on your blog now to see what you're up too - the beach always does that to me too - clears the head and makes thinking that little bit clearer!

  6. Welcome back Mick, glad you had a smashing break. Look forward to your new exciting designs.

  7. Glad you had a fabbo time, Mick, and welcome back! One of my favourite areas too. x

  8. Hi Mick,

    Your holiday looked so beautiful and relaxing you lucky thing!!

    Can't wait to see your new jewellery!

    ZaksJewel xx

  9. Hi again, Mick,
    A quick note to let you know you're a One Lovely Blog Award winner. Pop over to my blog for details.
    Rosie. xx


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