
1st Wedding Anniversary – Wedding Keepsake Jewellery

I was asked by a young man last week to make a pendant for his wife for their 1st wedding anniversary. He wanted some of their wedding keepsake items, flowers and ribbon setting within a pendant. I was originally asked several weeks ago, but these things happen and I was sent the items with only a couple of days to make the jewellery and get the finished pendant back to him for their anniversary.

The first pendant that I made for him contained a few rose petals, grouped together with a small piece of ribbon from their wedding. I had to first press the rose petals to remove any moisture and then grouped them together with the wedding ribbon to form this pendant. I added a little bit of glitter dust to give the pendant that extra sparkle.

Wedding flower keepsake pendant
Wedding flower keepsake pendant

The second pendant contained small a sprig of small white flowers, please correct me if I am wrong, but I think they are ‘baby’s breath’ flowers. Again I used a small piece of the wedding ribbon that he sent me to finish the pendant and added a sparkle of glitter dust.

Preserved wedding flower pendant
Preserved wedding flower pendant

I managed to get the pendants back to him in time for their 1st wedding anniversary celebrations and what a thoughtful gift it would have been; keepsakes from their wedding preserved forever, and that can still be worn and enjoyed for years to come.

If you would like to see more wedding keepsake jewellery ideas, please visit my website page Wedding Keepsakes.


  1. Mick they are gorgeous, what a beautiful idea and beautiful finished result too!

  2. What a lovely lovely idea. They are beautiful.

  3. Oh how wonderful, what a lucky lady.


  4. it is gorgeous, she is one happy lady indeed :)

  5. Such a beautiful keepsake, love the glitter dust too :)


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