
Haribo Jelly Sweet Engagement Ring Keepsake

I have had several custom jewellery requests recently that have involved preserving customers wedding keepsakes within resin jewellery. There have been the preserved wedding flowers that I set within pendants for a 1st wedding anniversary gift, a brides wedding dress cufflinks for her fiancé to wear on their wedding day.

But last week I had a very unusual request to preserve a Haribo jelly sweet engagement ring in resin. The lady said that the Haribo sweet ring (sometimes called friendship rings) was used by her fiancé to propose when they got engaged and obviously because it was very special to her she wanted it preserved as a keepsake. She didn’t want the jelly sweet ring making into jewellery but just wanted it so she could keep it and have it on display.
Haribo Jelly Sweet Engagement Ring
Preserved Haribo Jelly Sweet Engagement Ring

Initially she wanted it embedding into a block of resin, however I suggested it might be best to coat the ring with resin and therefore not only preserve the integrity of the ring but also keep it looking the same. She then informed me that she had initially been looking for someone who could do just that (i.e. coat it in resin), had trawled the net but was unable to find anyone that could do that for her.

The Haribo jelly sweet ring was obviously given the respect that is deserved, being such an important memento of the couple’s engagement. Firstly it was posted to my house by special delivery. I then gave it a coat of Acrylic spray to prevent any oils or colours from leeching out from the sweet over time. When this had dried I gave the Haribo sweet several coats of coating resin over a period of a week. The sweet was then finished with a good polishing of Carnauba wax and I then mounted the Haribo jelly sweet ring within a very nice clear lidded display box.

So there you have it, one Haribo jelly sweet ring preserved as a keepsake to their special day. If you get time please take a look at my wedding keepsakes website page.


  1. Oh how lovely, that is so romantic. What a fabulous idea too.
    My OH would have then eaten it, has a weakness for Haribo sweeties.


  2. lol I know the feeling, I had to resist the temptation when I opened the package. It was a very strange week though, painting a Haribo ring!


  3. Love it, what an excellent way to keep a special momento :)

  4. The ring looks really good, I love it. I think its great you were able to coat it like that rather than having to put it in a block. What a lovely idea x

  5. It's my ring!!! I now have it in a frame beside my bed, I love it nearly as much as the one that replaced it.

    1. Hi could you give me the name and contact of the company who did this for you I asked my fiancée to marry me with one and she really loves the idea of keeping it as a proper engagement ring

    2. Hi! It was me who preserved the Haribo ring (Mick of Shpangle Jewellery). You can find a link to my website at the top of this page. Thanks.

  6. Hi Harriet, Thats lovely of you to visit my blog and make a comment. Glad you are still loving your ring :) Mick

  7. Aaaah! That is just so lovely. What a great way to hold on to a very special memory

  8. It certainly is, and you will be amazed how many people have contacted me since doing this who are also getting engaged using a Haribo sweet engagement ring!


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