
Gothic Steampunk Rings – Recycled Watch and Clock Parts

This type of jewellery has been categorised many ways, whether you want to call it Steampunk jewellery, gothic, recycled, up-cycled, altered art or any of the many other labels that it has been given. I have always wanted to create something out of old watch and clock parts and when I came across these antique pewter Patera ring blanks I had the urge to make some Steampunk Rings (or whatever you want to call it).

For those who haven’t come across Steampunk fashion (and I have only recently discovered it), Steampunk fashion and jewellery tends to be modern styles influenced by the Victorian era. It is very popular with Goths, punks and industrial music fans and often incorporates old watch and clock parts into the jewellery. Steampunk jewellery is probably like Marmite, you either love it or you don’t. I am quite fond of Steampunk jewellery, but not so keen on Marmite...

Steampunk Ring
Steampunk Ring from Recycled Watch Parts

The Patera ring blanks are really nice and chunky and the worn, antique feel to them really do lend themselves to this type of jewellery. All of the old watch parts that I used were all responsibly sourced i.e. no watch was harmed and the parts could not really be re-used as spares. I came across many old watch and clock parts on my travels that had been ripped out of perfectly good and working old watches and clocks. Many of the watches and clocks had been broken up for their gold content on the casing which is shocking because many of them were handmade, very old and have been broken just for the gold.

Steampunk Ring - Gothic Ring
Steampunk Ring - Gothic Ring

I set the watch parts into the ring blank with resin and included a small Ruby glass cabochon to give them a little bit of colour. The Ruby glass also resembles a mechanical watch jewel so I think it works well with the other watch parts. The rings are fully adjustable and are completely one-of-a-kind. Although I have intentions to make more Steampunk jewellery in the future I will never make some like this again!

Since making these Steampunk rings, I have managed to get my hands on some gorgeous old, handmade watch parts and some Victorian looking bezels, so expect some more Steampunk jewellery from me in the near future!


  1. Wow, I never will stop admiring your patience with these fidly designs of yours.
    I like marmite, and steampunk too.

    Nice addition to your collection.

  2. What a fabulous blog, I have just had a nose through all the gorgeous things you have made. It is such a wonderful idea to preserve peoples memories like this. Thank you for letting me follow your crafting adventures and thanks so much for following me too xxx

  3. I'm with you on the marmite Mick!

    Loving the ring - I love steampunk, and I think you've done yourself proud there!

  4. That's amazing!! And the way you've constructed it it almost looks like it should work!

  5. Mick, love your interpretation of steampunk jewellery. Agree with your views, responsibly resourced is the way to go - be it vinyl, books, old watches etc. x


    You have given me loads of ideas what to do with the thousands of watches I will never get round to restoring!!

  7. Thanks :) If you have any spare please contact me as I am always on the look out for old parts.



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