
Shpangle Jewellery’s new company vehicle

No more one hour round trips to the post office or into town to get those urgent craft supplies...I now have a new mode of transport, my new bike!

I haven't ridden a bike for a few years and when I picked the bike up from the shop on Saturday, I had the immediate challenge of having a three-mile cycle home. It went very well and the main thing I noticed was the car fumes yuck! Not a very nice experience when you are whizzing along with the wind in my hair only to get mouthfuls of exhaust fumes. Anyway, got home safely, stepped off the bike and almost about jelly legs! I must have used muscles that have been lying dormant for the last few years and they certainly got woken up and then complained like a teenager.

Shpangle Jewellery Company Bike
Shpangle Jewellery Company Bike

On Sunday my wife wanted to go to the local Garden centre. What did I suggest? Yep, that I would go on my bike and meet her there! What was I thinking! The garden centre was a good four miles away and most of it felt like it was all uphill. After a couple of hours it was time to leave and I had the daunting task of having to ride did cross my mind to somehow force the bike into the car, but no I resisted the temptation and had the long long ride home. I still don’t understand how on earth it was uphill on the way back as well.

I love my new bike and think it is really going to pay for itself; I won’t have so much lost time as well as keeping me fit! I am so happy that I have finally gotten around to parting with my money and buying her. I haven’t given her a name yet so any ideas would be appreciated!



  1. LOL, sure you have thought of a few names already.
    We borrowed some bikes about 10 years ago to search for a lost dog, took us a week to recover from the experience and that was then - not in a hurry to repeat that pain.

    I will be back if I think of a name.


  2. hehehe! I know exactly how you feel (I am finding it difficult to sit down at the minute) oh well, no pain, no gain as they say :)


  3. You could call your new bike 'radox'

    (as in what you need after first few days (or weeks) of getting used to her)


  4. Radox it is then! I will carry out the naming ceremony tomorrow!

    Many thanks

  5. Well, that is definitely a step up from my company vehicle - the bus!

  6. At least with the bus you don't get saddle sore...ouch!



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