
My Favourite Flowers & Real Flower Jewellery

I hope everyone is enjoying all this lovely weather that we have been experiencing. On a personal note, I think it has made me realise that I am a winter kind of guy! It must be all the years of living on a Narrowboat but I much prefer a cold winter’s day. I loved snuggling up in front of the wood-burning stove and having the towpaths to ourselves and then taking the boat out breaking through the ice (and not having to avoid hire-boats filled with drunken boaters having very little respect for nature and other people).

Apart from the overcrowded and litter strewn country parks and the smell of half-cooked meat drifting over from next door’s barbeque, a warm spring day does have some lovely points for me. Nature comes to life after having a rest over the winter months. Baby animals are born and beautiful flowers start to appear in celebration.

A couple of days ago my daughter asked me ‘what is my favourite flower?’ Without question I answered the following; so in no particular order my three favourite flowers are...

1) The Daisy

Such a simple and innocent flower that speaks volumes to me about what summer time is all about. Sitting in a meadow making daisy chains is my idea of a lovely day out.

Daisy flowers
Daisy flowers

2) Forget-me-nots

Beautiful flowers that I am happy to seed all over the garden if they want too! I also like for folklore and legends behind the flowers (especially the one about the knight who picked a posy of flowers whilst walking with his lady, fell into the river, started to drown and threw the posy to his lady shouting “Forget-me-not”.

Forget-me-not flowers
Forget-me-not flowers

3) The Dandelion

A flower that looks like a ball of sunshine, the Dandelion has its rightful place in my top three flowers...I really resent mowing the lawn when I see them growing out of the grass.

Dandelion flowers
Dandelion flowers

So they are my top three flowers, I would love to hear what your favourite flowers are?

You may remember that last year I produced a few pendants and necklaces containing real flowers. Well, this year I have quite a few planned and have already started to press flowers in readiness for some new items of fact I am now taking a small flower press with me whenever I go out!

Daisy flower bracelet
Daisy flower bracelet

If you would like to see some of the real flower jewellery that I made over the last year, please visit my real flower jewellery website page.


  1. Beautiful photos, Mick and I have to agree with the daisy and dandelion. I also love wild flowers like the bluebell - a true feeling of spring.

    I also get a thrill seeing the first snowdrops of the year as well as the roses in our front garden.

    Hmmm - not really narrowing it down much am I?!
    Despite not really being a 'flower' person, I really do love to see them growing (just don't put them all over fabric!!)

    Ali x

  2. Oooh some great choices there Ali, the bluebell and snowdrops have to be high up in my list too!


  3. I love daisies! and forget-me-nots :)

    and love your jewellery idea, not sure what I would like to have :)

  4. My flowers are ones that hold memories. So, at Freshia time of year I have those to remember my Nan, same with orange Lillies.

    Another one then with Bluebells and Snowdrops as they are my Mums favourites, I do love to see a field of bluebells.

    Lynda x
    (sorry for delay, I just saw your post on twitter)

  5. The power of Twitter eh! Some great choices of flowers Lynda especially because of the memories behind them.


  6. Mine has to be the Daffodil. Its such a cheery, bright flower, waving through the grass on hedgerows and to me it always marks the end of Winter. Unlike you, I'm a warm weather person, give me the sunshine any time.

  7. Oh I like the Daffodil too! I wish they lasted longer though, they seem to disappear far too soon after flowering.


  8. My favourites in order are:

    1. Snowdrops
    2. Daisies
    3. Violets and bluebells
    4. Daffodils
    5. Forget-me-nots

    1. Some great choices of flowers there. I had completely forgotten about Violets and they are currently flowering in my garden now.


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