
My new rainbow peelable window decoration

Last week I was extremely lucky to win a blog giveaway by Ali’s Craft Studio and I got to choose one of her wonderful handmade peelable window decorations, and it has just arrived!

Peelable Rainbow Window Decoration
Peelable Rainbow Window Decoration

Although I was spoilt for choice when looking around her website, the window decoration that really did beckon me was her ‘rainbow and cloud’ decoration. It is lovely and bright and happy; I have always had a big thing about rainbows and have many dotted around house in various places. Recently I spent some time looking through my old primary school pictures to find the majority of them I had drawn a rainbow!

So the question is where do I put my new rainbow?

Do I put it in the rather dull bathroom to brighten up the tiles?

Peelable rainbow decoration for tiles
Peelable rainbow decoration for tiles

... or do I put it onto the mirrored wardrobe doors in the bedroom? (hehe just noticed teddy has his head in the clouds).

Peelable rainbow decoration for mirrors
Peelable rainbow decoration for mirrors

... I think for now I will put it on our front room window so that every time I look out I can see a rainbow in the sky.

Peelable rainbow decoration for windows
Peelable rainbow decoration for windows

The beauty about Ali’s peelable window decorations is that they are moveable, so whenever I want a change I can do just that. Having said that I might just go and purchase a few more so that I can have rainbows all over the house and car!

Please go and have a look at the handmade peelable window decorations made by Ali on her website.


  1. So pleased that you like your rainbow.

    Thank you for your kind comments Mick - I love the photos of your rainbow in various positions around the house, especially Teddy with his head in the clouds!

    Ali x
    Ali's Craft Studio

  2. Thanks Ali, the rainbow looks great in the chuffed that I won it!!


  3. definately you have put it in the right place!
    Looks great!

  4. Very nice Mick, love the position photo's and Teddy:)
    Nice final choice too.


  5. Thanks Lynda, it really is nice having a rainbow on the window...I think everyone should have one ;)



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