
Getting creative on the beach – Sea glass

My apologies for having not blogged for a couple of weeks but I have been braving the arctic conditions on holiday! This year we decided to have a change from our usual visit to Cornwall and visited the East Coast, staying at a friend’s caravan in Chapel St. Leonards (near to Skegness which is a traditional holiday resort for us Hinckley folk). Whilst we did have a few days of rain we made the most of it and probably visited a few places that otherwise we may not have discovered, including a working windmill, a lovely donkey sanctuary and a seal sanctuary.

We also had some very nice sunny days (we later found out that we were very lucky). So I was subjected to the annual ‘bury dad with sand on the beach ritual’ which gave our children great amusement.

Buried on the beach
Buried on the beach

We also spent many hours creating sand sculptures on the beach and these were all carefully planned and designed by Braden, our five year old boy. This is one is based upon his design for a rocket powered boat. It took hours to make and then lasted five minutes once we allowed the children to board her!

Sand sculpture - Sand boat
Sand sculpture - Sand boat

My jewellery making is never far from my mind even on holiday and this year I managed to increase my collection of sea glass somewhat; this collection was the result of a few happy hours spent walking up and down the beach.

Sea glass
Sea glass

For those of you are new to sea glass, it is formed from broken glass bottles and other glassware being tumbled and polished by the forces of the sea. The result is beautiful pieces of polished glass that have developed unique colours and textures. I am not quite sure what I am going to make this collection of sea glass into yet; perhaps a few pieces of sea glass jewellery but I quite like the idea of making a mosaic. If you have any suggestions for what I could make with this sea glass please let me know.

I hope everybody has a great holiday this year and for those lucky enough to be going away use the time well to replenish your creativity and gain inspiration from the different surroundings.



  1. Sounds like a lovely time was had by all - the sea glass looks beautiful just laid out like on your photo - I could see a really nice mirror surround with them.

    Glad you had such a nice time.

    Ali x

  2. Oooh! yes a mirror surround to the sea glass sounds like a great idea.

    Thanks Ali!


  3. Wondered were you had got to, glad you had a great holiday - you must try the North West one year!
    Sea glass is stunning, look forward to what you create with it.


  4. Thanks Lynda and I am back! I do like the North West and regularly go to Blackpool...I also have very fond memories of my time living/working in Runcorn.

    Hope everything is going well for you!



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