
Jewellery Made from Recycled Fabric Remnants

I do not know where the time has gone but it was last spring when I mentioned that I had been making jewellery made from recycled fabric. At the time I asked if anybody had small off-cuts of fabric that could be donated to me for my jewellery making, and the lovely Lynda of ‘Bags of Swank by SimJaTa’ came to my rescue. She sent me a huge pile of fabric remnants with some very gorgeous designs and I have finally got around to making some pendants with them.

Two pieces of fabric caught my eye in particular and the first is this ladybird fabric with foliage and small daisies. The ladybird fabric has been encased within a teardrop shaped resin pendant and has been backed by green coloured resin to compliment the colour of the foliage. The pendant has been given a Shpangle sparkle with a small amount of glitter dust.

Ladybird fabric necklace
Ladybird fabric necklace

The second fabric remnant is this one with pink flowers and a lovely cheeky looking bee. The pendant has been backed by pink resin and given the usual sparkle.

Bumble bee fabric necklace
Bumble bee fabric necklace

I must start making more pendants with the fabric off-cuts that Lynda gave to me. The fabric is gorgeous and will look lovely made into some pendants; I also have an idea to make some of it into handmade buttons.



  1. Wow, they are great - I especially love what you have done with the ladybird.

    Thanks for the mention, and so glad you have found use for the fabric.


  2. Many thanks Lynda and also thank you again for all the lovely fabric...there will be more pendants to come!


  3. I love your pendants. You really had a clever idea in using such delightfully fun fabrics in their design focal point.

  4. Many thanks for popping by and for your lovely comment! I really like to use fabric within jewellery as I get me to look at small details within the fabric rather than the fabric as a whole. Resin is also great as it really does magnify the texture of the fabric.



Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.