
List of Messages Found on Love Heart Sweets

No, I am not currently going through some strange kind of mid life crisis by having a fascination with love heart sweet messages; there is honestly a serious reason why I would want to make a list of the messages found on love hearts sweets, so please continue reading and you may be able to help me!

I am often asked to incorporate love heart sweets into my jewellery and more often than not I am asked to include specific love heart sweet messages. I then encase the sweets within resin and they are transformed into pendants and charms. When I am asked to incorporate sweets with specific messages (for example this week when I was asked to make a pair of love heart sweet cufflinks); if I don’t have the requested message in my collection I need to purchase several tubes of the sweets!

Love Heart Sweet Necklace
Love Heart Sweet Necklace

These regular visits to the local shops to buy tubes of love heart sweets has resulted in a rather large collection of the sweets (and strange looks from shop assistants). Ok I admit that I have eaten quite a few...alright lots of them but still have bags and bags of them. So to help with future orders I thought it was necessary to catalogue the sweets and provide a list of the different love heart sweet messages in my collection.

The following list contains the different love heart sweet messages in my collection. I will keep this list updated whenever I receive new additions:

All Mine - Guess Who - Lush Lips
Angel Face - Happy Birthday - Make Up
Be Good - Hard Luck - My All
Be Mine - Heart Desire - My Angel
Best Mate - Heart Throb - My Boy
Bless You - Hello - My Girl
Blue Eyes - Hi Baby - My Hero
Bye Bye - Hold Me - My Ideal
Canny Lad - How Nice - Neat
Catch Me - Hug Me - New Love
Chase Me - Hunk - Oh Boy
Cheeky Boy - I Hope - Only You
Cheeky Boy - I Love You - Real Love
Cheer Up - I Spy - Relax
Cool Dude - I Surrender - Say Yes
Cool Kid - In Love - Smile
Crazy - I'm Shy - Spoil Me
Cuddle Me - Its Love - Sweet Heart
Cute Kid - Its True - Sweet Kiss
Dear One - I Want U - Sweet You
Dishy - Just Me - Take It Easy
Dream Boy - Keep Cool - Text Me
Dream Girl - Kiss Me - Too Much
Dream On - Lets Dance - True Love
E Mail - Lets Kiss - Try Me
Ever Yours - Like You - Wicked
Find Me - Little Kiss - Will You
First Love - Looking Good - Wow
For Ever - Love Bug - Yes Dear
For Keeps - Love Heart - You and I
Funny Face - Love You - You Win
Good Pals - Lover - You're Fab
Great Guy - Luck Lips - You're Gorgeous
Grow Up - Lucky Lips - You're Mine

And this is where you can help. I want to create a ‘wish list’ of messages that you think would be appropriate and would like to see on love heart sweets. I will then add them to a list here.



  1. Wow, what a lot. Brain not in gear today for suggestions, but I didnt see 'Marry Me' on the list, an idea for the shy proposal?

    (no, not proposing Mick we are both happily attatched - in case anyone read that wrong)

  2. Great suggestion and I think there is already a 'Marry Me' love hearts sweet already available...not that I have personally seen one. There is also a 'Fax Me' love hearts sweet and I would like to get my hands on one of those as it might be a collectors item in a few years time lol!

    How about 'Tweet Me', not seen one of those yet!


  3. Maybe love you 24/7??

    1. Another great suggestion, I think there is a 'Luv U 24/7' love heart sweet though?


  4. You missed "Play Time"

  5. I had a love heart with the message "Mermaid Eloise" on it ??????

  6. Hi are you still trading? There's a few items I'd love if you are?


    1. Hi Darren and yes I am. If you could contact me via the email address at the top of this page, I will forward some information. Thanks Mick

  7. "I wanna be yours" and "R U mine?" and "be mine" would be good messages.

  8. When I was growing up in the sixties, I remember coming across some odd ones, including "Scram" and "Fish Face" I'm looking for some of these naff ones, as someone suggested I should turn them into a Lionel Richie parody. His song titles lok like love hearts messages: Hello, You Are, Truly, My Love, My Destiny, Sweet Love and Still. My idea is to put all the romantic ones in the first verse, have the chorus saying he's trying to make a comeback, but he's run out of nice message, then the second vers would include all of the mild insults.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Amazing how the love heart sweet phrases have changed over the years. Many of the phrases I listed above no longer exist on the sweets and have now been replaced by textspeak.


Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.