
The Daisy from the Glass Jar

I live everyday by the slogan on my website ‘...more than just jewellery...’ because I truly believe there is far more to my jewellery making than just creating pieces of jewellery. I am often asked to help people who are going through difficult times, for example with my hair keepsake jewellery. Other people have a story to tell and want a keepsake making as a reminder of a moment in their lives.

This became evident this week when a lady purchased a daisy necklace from my website shop and left the following story after receiving it. It is extremely moving and I thank her for giving me the opportunity to share it.

“When I was a little girl, winter nights were filled with terror because of my father, so I picked a daisy in the summer (nature was where I took my comfort) and sealed it in an opaque glass jar, so that when things got bad again, I would be able to open the glass jar and see and feel the daisy.

Daisy Flower
Daisy Flower

I waited and waited until things got so bad it was difficult to bear and I opened my glass jar. I was so excited. I peeled the Sellotape off of the lid, strip by strip in anticipation. When I finally opened it, the daisy was black and mouldy. I think my heart broke.

Now all these years later with beautiful children and grandchildren of my own, my daisy is back. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that the heart break of that night all those years ago has been healed and the past re written.

I know this is possibly too much information for you, and I apologise for taking your time, but you should know how powerful this has been for me and how grateful I am to you, your skill and your Art.

This is my daisy from the glass jar. Bless you and thank you again”.

Daisy Flower Necklace
Daisy Flower Necklace

This story means more to me than anything and I feel very honoured to have brought such joy from the things that I do. I will continue to follow my website slogan and comments like the above continue to make the things that I do extremely worthwhile!



  1. I bet you are still smiling after receiving such a heart-felt and moving letter. As we are quickly moving towards the shopping frenzy that all too often represents Christmas, your post should serve everyone as a reminder that those gifts given with the most thought have the most meaning.

    I don't know about you but after reading this story, I won't look at a daisy the same way again.

  2. What an amazing story - helping a customer like this really is why creating handmade magic is so satisfying.

    Ali x

  3. Thanks Ali and Michele, that is so true and nobody would have the same feeling or reaction when buying from a high street shop. The personal approach to handmade crafts makes all the difference and long may it continue.


  4. It's so amazing that someone shared such a personal story because of something you made! And the necklace is stunning - I have been looking through your online shop, and I am in absolute awe!

  5. Many thanks Karen and I am equally in awe with what you can achieve with your jewellery making :)


  6. What a truly heartwarming story, thank you for sharing that with us Mick.

  7. This is so pretty - what a lovely idea for a design.


Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.