
Horse hair Bangle

You may remember a recent blog post where I announced the lucky winner of my horse hair jewellery giveaway. Well this is what she won; as part of the giveaway I asked the horse owner if they could send me some long lengths of horse tail hair for me to make a new range of horse hair jewellery. Well Louise kindly sent me some long strands of hair from her new pony and I made them into this horse hair bangle for her.

Horse Hair Bangle
Horse Hair Bangle

I love the effects of the hair twisting around within this handmade resin bangle and can’t wait to make some more of these.

I have had quite a few commissions of horse hair jewellery over the last few weeks leading up to Christmas. I particularly liked this order for a matching set of jewellery.

This bracelet is sterling silver and the horse hair has been set within each charm in a criss-cross pattern. I have also engraved the back of each charm with the name of the horse and have included fine amber glitter within each charm (although you can’t see that within the photograph).

Horse Hair Bracelet
Horse Hair Bracelet

My wife likes the bracelet so much that she would like one too; even though she isn’t a horse owner! To match the bracelet I made these horse hair earrings. Again sterling silver and the name of the horse engraved onto the back of each earring.

Horse Hair Earrings
Horse Hair Earrings

And to finish the set of jewellery is this sterling silver pendant engraved on the back and hung from a leather thong style necklace chain.

Horse Hair Necklace
Horse Hair Necklace

I love the effects that can be achieved by using horse hair within jewellery and if you would like to see more examples please visit my horse hair jewellery website gallery.



  1. I love the way you take things that seem so random and odd and make them into something totally amazing and wearable.

    By the way, my dino poop pendant still gets plenty of comments! I Love it.

  2. Thank you both! Kat, that pretty much sums me up 'random and odd' lol! Glad you are still enjoying your Dinosaur poop pendant.


  3. When I saw the title of this post, for a second I wondered what a horse hair bangle could look like. How silly of me to forget how cleverly you preserve people's keepsakes and turn them into jewelry.

    It's been a while since I've visited your site and now that I'm following your feed, I get to see more of the wonderful things you are making.

    I included you as part of Blog About Crafts Featured Friday this week. The post is here - It includes a link to Shpangle Jewellery Blog as well as this post.

    Oh how I wish I hadn't lost that bit of fur that showed the lovely striping my kitty had. I just know you could have made it into something really special for me.

  4. Thank you so much Michele and what a lovely write-up really do have a lovely way with words! It is also a fantastic feeling to be featured amongst some lovely artists.


  5. At first as I saw the picture I don't have any idea if it is from a horse hair. Am so amazed when I read your content. So wonderful and elegant. Thanks

    1. Glad you like and yes it is amazing the effects you can create from a little bit of horse hair.


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