
Baby Keepsake – Birth Celebration Necklace

I had a lovely custom jewellery order to complete last week. I was sent a selection of baby keepsakes, presumably that had been kept within the baby box and I was asked to make a birth celebration necklace with some of the items.

The necklace design I produced was this; a rectangular shaped pendant with the baby items encapsulated within resin and a little bit of glitter. The baby items that were used included a ‘love and kisses’ label from the baby's first coat, a piece of purple ribbon from the baby's blanket, a strip of card from her birth announcement card and sequins from her first Christmas.

Baby Keepsake Jewellery
Baby Keepsake Jewellery

Now that was the finished pendant but here is the original design that I sent to the customer before making the pendant. Can anyone spot the deliberate mistake? Ok, perhaps not deliberate but nobody is perfect!

Baby Keepsake Design
Baby Keepsake Design

She loved the pendant and what a great way of not only preserving those baby keepsakes but also providing a wearable piece of jewellery for the little girl when she is older.



  1. Lovely keepsake, another happy customer no doubt.

  2. Love this idea, the only limitation for me would be finidng 'memory' items small enough to fit into the piece. Great stuff and ideas.

    1. Totally agree that there are limitations for the size of keepsake items that can be preserved within the jewellery. I have managed to get around this now by offering custom made paperweights for the larger items. An example can be seen here: Custom made Paperweights


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