
Hello Mr Snowman

Now where do I start? Well, I was awake at a very early hour this morning with my head swimming with jewellery related thoughts. And whilst I waited for my family to awake I thought I would write my weekly blog post and this is what I ended up with....a poem? Or is it a verse? Not sure really because I did fail my English O-Level the first time around.

So here goes, this was inspired by our Mr Snowman who sadly melted away recently.

Hello Mr Snowman standing tall and proud
You look mighty handsome with snow all around
With your bottle top eyes and carrot for your nose
But don’t you get cold not wearing many clothes?

Mr Snowman
Mr Snowman

And as the snow around you started to melt away
You just kept on going to see another day
I apologise for removing your scarf, hat and gloves
But staying warm in winter is one of my loves.

Melted Snowman
Melted Snowman

Bye Bye Mr Snowman and please come again
And for next time a new carrot I will try to obtain
When the snow falls again and sticks to the floor
We will see your face smiling back at us once more.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Very cheery Mick, I saw your melted snowman on FB didnt see him intact though, very proud.

    1. Thanks Lynda, I hope it snows soon as I am missing him already and would like to see his smiley face again :)



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