
Unusual custom made jewellery requests

I have been really busy since Christmas with custom requests for my jewellery that sometimes I don’t know how I am managing to fit it all in! Some of it may be due to the run-up to Valentines’ day, with the usual love heart sweet pendant requests and some probably because word-of-mouth is spreading.

Amongst the requests I have had a few unusual jewellery designs. I love making every single one of my pendants but when a custom jewellery order comes along for something a little bit different, I find it exciting and sometimes challenging!

The first pendants I am going to show off are these resin pendants that contain Silver Birch tree bark. These are extremely important for the family who asked for them because the bark was taken from a tree with great sentimental value.

Silver Birch tree bark pendants
Silver Birch tree bark pendants

The second pendant contains the world’s smallest rubber duck, along with a miniature dice (to represent the birth day), and is bordered by two locks of hair.

Rubber duck, dice and hair pendant
Rubber duck, dice and hair pendant

The next piece of memorial jewellery was interesting to make; the pendant contains the ashes from a much loved pet and I was asked to make it gothic looking.

Memorial jewellery for ashes
Gothic memorial jewellery for ashes

Finally a keyring containing salad! I have incorporated miniature slices of cucumber, tomatoes, egg, onion, lettuce and even celery into the charm.

Salad keyring
Salad keyring

...great for those watching their weight or if you are just fond of salad! The salad keyring has given me inspiration for a new range of unusual jewellery so watch this space!



  1. Is anyone actually 'fond' of salad?

    Love your work Mick, will be some very happy customers out there.

    1. haha! Yes, probably the wrong choice of words there Lynda!


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