
Jewellery Giveaway – Daisy flower necklace

This week I noticed that my blog has now achieved over 200 followers! So to celebrate the occasion and to welcome the beautiful spring days (well hopefully) I am going to giveaway one of my daisy flower necklaces to one lucky follower of my blog.

Real pressed daisy flower necklace
Real pressed daisy flower necklace

This is a real pressed daisy flower taken from my garden and has been encased within a clear resin pendant. The rules of my jewellery giveaway are simple:

1) Firstly please follow this blog...that is the easy bit!

2) Secondly, as far as I am aware, only members of my close family know the origins of my business name ‘Shpangle’.

I would like to know ‘What makes you Shpangle?’ ...please comment below!

The random draw will take place towards the end of next week and my daisy flower pendant should be making its way to one lucky winner....Good Luck!



  1. Really pretty daisy necklace, Mick. As for the spring...seems more like winter round here today.

  2. What makes me Sphangle? My family, my friends, sunshine, my husband, my garden, my cats and my business.

  3. What makes me Shpangle? Well....... cake for a start, followed by a great film or two, my backyard chooks, my scrummy faced family and making my crafts until my eyes pop out :)

    My daughter and I love your jewellery, especially the Salad Days and the ones with liddle bids of candy... hee!

    Julesie (crafts forum meddler)

  4. I have loved your pieces since the first time I saw them. I'm so glad you found my site.

    Whenever I see your name, I think of shiny, danglely things. (Which is probably not what you had in mind when you named your business since your pieces, like this one, are so often about the beauty captured within the resin. lol.) So, I guess what makes me Shpangle is when I wear a glittery piece of jewelry. It makes me feel girly and reminds me of when and where I discovered the piece.

  5. its very pretty!! well, good music makes me go sphangle :)

  6. Fab giveaway Mick, well done on all the followers too.

    I Sphangle the most with paints, paintbrush and lots of colour:)

  7. Your daisy pendant reminded me of something that Schpangled me as a kid, a song "Daisies are our silver, buttercups our gold..."

  8. Neat give away! Well done on the followers.

    I Sphangle when I get called a Geek. Love it :) (yes I'm weird).

  9. I remember Schpangles when I was little! They were a sweet LOL the Most fun ever and colourful too! That's what makes me spangle - bright colour - it cheers, it lifts and it makes me smile!

  10. Thank you so much to everybody who entered my giveaway and I loved reading all your comments about what makes you Shpangle!



Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and I will reply as soon as possible.