
Salad Jewellery!

I was going to say that this latest rage of jewellery was inspired by the warm weather we are having but it seems to have gone all wintery again hasn’t it! This salad jewellery was in fact inspired by one of my Facebook page followers and past customers who wanted a gift for her friend. She asked me to make a keyring containing salad for her friend who owns a fruit and veg. shop. I then got a little carried away and made these!

Salad Keyring
Salad Keyring

The pendants and keychains are cast using resin and I have incorporate miniature pieces of salad including lettuce leaves, slices of cucumber, onion, egg and tomatoes and even miniature sticks of celery.

Weight watchers jewellery
Weight watchers jewellery

I am normally really careful when it comes to air bubbles trapped within resin and have several tricks to prevent them from forming on encapsulated objects. But in this case I purposely left them; I think they really add to the pieces and look like small droplets of water remaining on the freshly washed salad.

I told you I got carried away; I even created a cucumber pendant with lots of miniature slices of cucumber encased within this teardrop shaped pendant.

Cucumber necklace
Cucumber necklace

I am not really sure what to call this new range of jewellery; maybe ‘Salad Jewellery’ or ‘weight watchers jewellery’ or even ‘jewellery on a diet’? What do you think and any suggestions would be appreciated!


p.s. Enjoy your chocolate tomorrow!


  1. "Salad Days"? sorry not much good at titles, loving the jewellery though. I am not fond of hot weather as you know, but the good part of summer is salad, I love salad, therefore goes without saying I love your new jewellery.


    1. Oh yes, 'Salad Days' is a great name and a lot better than anything I could think of. I love salad too especially during the Summer!


  2. I LOVE the salad jewellery!! Great for the warmer months! :)

    1. Thanks Cory, maybe I should think about making some chilli con carne pendants for these colder days!

  3. Great stuff- the cucumber pendant is particularly fresh!

    1. Thank you! Yes the cucumber pendant is one of my favourites and I only made it because I was left with lots of cucumber slices!

  4. Very cute and original!

    I didn't even think about the air bubbles being anything other than water drops. When I read that you did that on purpose, I realized duh, it's not water. lol.

    Sorry, no inspired idea for a name but if I think of one, I'll come back and let you know.

    1. Thanks Michele and I am glad the water droplets were effective! Please pop back if you think of any ideas for a name.



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