
Album cover artist Blim

Music has always been important to me and especially so whilst making my jewellery. I like to drift off with the ethereal sounds produced by my favourite band the Ozric Tentacles. Their music to me is very much about painting pictures with sound and has had a massive influence with quite a lot of my jewellery designs. To be honest I very rarely listen to anything else (probably with much annoyance to my wife when I always reach for the Ozric CDs when we are in the car!)

The artist know as Blim has been until fairly recently the album cover artist for the Ozic Tentacles. Her pictures have been displayed on many of their albums and have always been a lovely visual representation of their music. Unfortunately I have been doing quite a lot of research on the internet for references to Blim and her art but have found very little.

This is my favourite picture by Blim taken from the Ozric Tentacles ‘Erpland’ abum released in 1990.

Blim cover art - Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
Blim cover art - Ozric Tentacles - Erpland

And this is one of the latest album covers produced by Blim for their ‘The Floor’s Too Far Away’ album released in 2006.

Blim cover art - Ozric Tentacles - The Floor's Too Far Away
Blim cover art - Ozric Tentacles - The Floor's Too Far Away

And here I am chilling out at a festival wearing one of Blim’s T-shirt designs; I call it my spider-monkey T-shirt.

Blim T-Shirt design - Spider-Monkey
Blim T-Shirt design - Spider-Monkey

I am showing my age now but I think pictures like these are just another reason why all albums should be available as vinyl records. CDs are alright but do not give the art created by Blim and other artists justice; I would have these pictures all over the walls if my family let me!

If you have a favourite artist that you admire or even music that you like to listen to when you are at work please let me know!



  1. Oh wow, ok I confess I didnt get around to googling to find out more.. the album covers are fantastic and if they represent the music might well be just what I am looking for. I just got an mp3 player thing so I can listed to music while I paint, but cant decide on what to listen too.
    Love the t-shirt too.

    Dashing off to google and youtube to see if I can find somewhere to listen to more.

    1. Thanks Lynda, I would love to see your interpretation of some of their music. Some of it is quite fast and furious though so there would be quite a bit of paint used!

      Their latest few albums do not have a cover by Blim so would be a good place to start.

  2. Hi there..glad you like Blims artwork..I am a good friend of hers and will pass on your lovely messages...

    1. Hi, Many thanks for visiting my blog, I know once upon a time she used to have a website but I can't find it any more...does Blim still produce her art?

    2. Hi,if you see bilm,tell her its dim next door x

  3. Hi,she still paints now and again but no ozrics stuff for a while,was talk of a new peice of art but not sure if and when...I managed to get some one off ozrics stuff of her a while ago as it was going to get thrown out..Right place right time kinda thing...

    1. You are so lucky and it was being thrown out too!! If you here of any new art please share :)

  4. her work is a lot like Roger Dean....i love her work!!!

    1. oooh! Sorry to sound ignorant but I wasn't aware of Roger Dean, thank you so much and his work is equally amazing!


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