
Haribo ring wedding gifts

About a year ago I was asked to preserve a Haribo ring for a couple who recently got engaged and blogged about it here. The same lady contacted me a few weeks ago and said they were getting married soon and she wanted me to make some Haribo ring themed gifts for her to give to their wedding guests. Naturally I was very pleased to have been asked to not only preserve an important item for the couple but to be asked to supply their wedding gifts one year later is fantastic!

You may also remember on a recent blog post, that in order to find a particular coloured Haribo ring I had to eat my way through several bags of Haibo sweets to find it. Well fortunately on this occasion, the customer actually sent me the Haribo rings. I encased the Haribo sweet rings within four paperweights and several pendants for her to give to her guests; unique wedding gifts or what!

Unique wedding gifts - Haribo sweet ring gifts
Unique wedding gifts - Haribo sweet ring gifts

Whilst on the subject of unique wedding gifts; I was also asked by another lady this week to make a pair of cufflinks for her to give to her fiancé on the big day. The cufflinks were made to contain a monogram written in the shape of a heart containing their names, and here they are:

Personalised wedding cufflinks
Personalised wedding cufflinks

I just love making these unique wedding gifts for people and always feel very honoured to be asked!



  1. Both smashing and unique gifts. Thank heavens your customer saved your waistline this time though!

    1. That is so true! I always make the fatal mistake of emptying all of the Haribo sweets into a large bowl in the kitchen. I then take one or two (OK a handful) every time I pass through.

  2. Just to let you know- I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Don't feel obliged to take part if you don't want to, but I wanted to include your blog in my links!

    1. Thank you so much for nominating me and I will have a little think about some random things about me. hmmmm I can think of a few but they may not be suitable for putting on my blog :)


  3. These are just amazing. I love your brilliant ideas - consider yourself followed! (I'll look you up on the other social networks too!)

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words :) I am following you back and look forward to seeing your lovely jewellery.


  4. hello, what is the cost of the cuff links?

    1. Hi Megan and many thanks for your interest in my personalised cufflinks. If you could email me on mick @ I would be happy to give you more information.




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