
Love heart sweet paperweight

My custom made paperweight making seems to have taken over from my jewellery making recently and I have had quite a few orders to complete. This paperweight was completed a few days ago just in time to be given as a wedding gift for a young man’s new wife. The wedding is due to take place today and I hope they had a lovely time and that they are lucky to have great weather!

When the couple got engaged two years ago the gentleman proposed using a Haribo sweet ring and a Love Heart sweet with the words ‘Be Mine’ on it. So to mark the occasion he asked me if I could incorporate a similar Haribo ring and Love Heart sweet into a paperweight and here it is...

Custom made paperweight with a love heart sweet and Haribo ring
Custom paperweight - love heart sweet and Haribo ring

I was very pleased how the paperweight turned out and I am sure the bride will love her very thoughtful gift from her husband. I have another custom made paperweight to show you next week and it is lovely so watch this space!



  1. How very thoughtful of him, and what a wonderful gift. I do hope the weather has been kind to them today, morning was ok here but a bit on the damp side now.

  2. Tell me about it! We had hail the size of gold balls this afternoon. Most of the cars in our road had lots of dents on them, broken windscreens and most conservatory roofs were broken. I dare not think what it would have done to a wedding marquee.



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