
Confetti Gifts

This week has very much been a Confetti week! First of all I was asked several weeks ago to encase a particular colour and style of confetti within a pendant for a customer. I spent ages trawling the internet and found some sold by a company called ‘Confetti’ of all things; who also claim that they are ‘wedding experts’.

Now two weeks later and there is still no sign of my confetti that I ordered and then a couple of days ago I receive an email from ‘Confetti’ stating that they do not have my confetti in stock and wouldn’t have any for several weeks!! It is a good job I wasn't getting married!

Luckily I had a very understandable customer and I looked elsewhere, found a lovely online shop (who didn't claim to be ‘wedding experts’) and received my confetti the very next day!

This leads me to a lovely custom made gift that I was asked to make recently. A lady had collected some real flower petal confetti that had been thrown at her Sister’s wedding; she wanted the confetti to be set within a paperweight as a gift for her Sister and here it is.

Confetti Paperweight - Real flower petals paperweight
Confetti Paperweight - Real flower petals paperweight

The photo doesn’t really do the paperweight justice (it is very difficult to photograph paperweights) and in real life the confetti petals do look like they are floating just as they would have done when originally thrown at the bride and groom.

If you would like to read more about confetti and its history and origins you might want to read my Confetti – Weddings, Parties or just for fun blog post that was made two and a half years ago...doesn’t time fly!



  1. Darn these suppliers, gggrrr. Love the paperweight, makes me wish we had confetti left from our wedding, lovely gift.

  2. That is such a shame you didn't keep any confetti but I can't imagine many people would. Yes and the 'wedding experts' did let me down and their customer service is terrible!


  3. It makes me want to get married for a third time....mind you, it'd be something else to throw at me lol

    Nice work though Mick and yes, it's just like it's been "frozen" in time.

    1. haha! Well if you ever decide to make sure you save some! To be honest it looks so much better in real life; taking photos of paperweights is certainly not my strong point.


  4. This is such a lovely idea, a beautiful way to preserve a special part of a special day. You're very talented and I enjoy reading your blogs :)

    1. Thank you! They are such fun to make and I quite fancy making one for myself now :)



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