
Personalised Jewellery – Message Necklace

Probably my favourite piece of jewellery that I have made to date is still this ‘words of love necklace’. The necklace came about when one day I was seeking inspiration for my jewellery by looking through my local newspaper and got to almost the last page without success. I then arrived at the birthday announcements column and noticed how many times the word ‘love’ was used, so cut them out and made this...

Message Necklace - Words of Love
Message Necklace - Words of Love

I was contacted last week by a lady who wanted something similar making however she wanted the necklace personalised with the names of her children and husband. I suggested rather than having the names made using paper that I print the names onto a transparency sheet, cut them out and incorporate them instead; and here is the result with the names appearing to float around within the pendant...

Personalised Jewellery - Name Necklace
Personalised Jewellery - Name Necklace

This leads me onto my latest custom made paperweights; the family wanted a message and family logo to be incorporated within a paperweight to give to family and friends. I used a similar principle to the pendant and printed the messages onto a transparency sheet. The printed transparency sheet was then incorporated into the resin paperweight...

Personalised Paperweight
Personalised Paperweight

So there are my latest personalised message jewellery and paperweights. I think I am going to have some fun printing messages and incorporating them into pendants and other things!



  1. Looking good, great idea I like both the newsprint and the transparency.

    Wonderful idea, customer can have any words they choose - great gift idea, sure it will be very popular.

    1. Thank you and yes I love working with transparencies now.


  2. That would be good for putting names into horsehair jewellery.

    1. That is a great idea, thank you! I tend to use Silver lettering to personalise horse hair jewellery at the moment but it tends to be quite big and bold. Using this method it would be more subtle and I can get longer names in there too.



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