
Handmade Poppies for the Poppy Appeal 2012

No I haven’t taken up knitting just yet, although I wish I could as it would save a fortune on buying clothes! This hand knitted poppy arrived in the post last week and it is lovely, it is also lovely to know that all of the money paid for it (they are on sale for a suggested donation of £5) goes to the Poppy appeal 2012.

Hand Knitted Poppy - Poppy Appeal 2012
Hand Knitted Poppy - Poppy Appeal 2012

Laura of Tiny Stitches and her team are knitting poppy brooches in support of the Royal British Legion and the work that they do for the armed forces. Laura is aiming to make as many Poppies as possible so is also looking for knitters who can help her too.

Tiny Stitches Poppy Appeal 2012
Tiny Stitches Poppy Appeal 2012

If you haven’t got your Poppy yet they can be purchased from her Etsy shop and please help spread the word if you can. Her poppies really are lovely; they are handmade and help such a great cause.



  1. How lovely, and such a great idea. I usually end up buying zillions of them as no sooner have I left the shop I have managed to loose my poppy somewhere. REally could do with one that stayed put.

    1. This poppy comes with a nice sturdy brooch pin attached to the back ;)

  2. Beautiful poppies for a very worthy cause. Thank you for sharing this! x

    1. They are really lovely poppies and it is great to know that every penny goes to such a great cause :)


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