
How to preserve wedding flowers

A couple of weeks ago I took delivery of a huge box of pressed flowers that the lady had pressed following her recent wedding. The box included flowers from her wedding bouquet as well as a sample of her lace wedding dress material. She wanted both the flowers and wedding dress material preserved within necklaces for her and her bridesmaids as keepsakes of their special day.

Over the next couple of days I began to sort through the flowers and prepared various designs for her pendants. I had so much choice because of the beautiful selection of flowers that my design document grew at such a rate and I produced a 14 page design document, all annotated with the different possibilities. There was so much choice!

Wedding flower jewellery design
Wedding flower jewellery design

We settled on a couple of designs however first I needed to check the feasibility of embedding the fabric within the resin. I have made several pendants in the past incorporating wedding dress material but nothing as delicate as this lace material. So I made a test pendant incorporating the material and here it is.

Wedding dress lace pendant
Wedding dress lace pendant

The pendant was given as a freebie to the lady and we agreed that the fabric would look good as a backing to the flowers within the pendants. So over the next few I started to incorporate the wedding flowers within the pendants and here is an example.

Wedding flowers and dress pendant
Wedding flowers and dress pendant

And this pendant was given to one of the bridesmaids.

Wedding flower keepsake jewellery
Wedding flower keepsake jewellery

They were all given a little bit of Shpangle by incorporating some glitter dust; I do like my glitter dust and would add it to everything if I could!



  1. Oh my that is simply gorgeous. I saw the first one you did on your FB page and loved that, but the second is adorable as is the bridesmaid gift. I bet you have some very happy customers.

    1. Thank you :) The wedding dress material works well in the pendant doesn't it!


  2. I have a friend that lost her wedding dress in the recent Hurricane sandy, I would love to do this for her and her daughter. Please email me what you need and prices.

    1. Hi! Sorry to hear about your friend that is so sad. I have just emailed you so hopefully I can help.



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