
Bespoke Paperweights Containing Medical Vials

So, this is my first blog post of 2022 and a Happy New Year to you all! This is likely to be the last thing you would want to see after the difficult couple of years we have had; however late last year I was asked to make several bespoke paperweights containing medical vials (yes you know the sort!).
Bespoke paperweights containing medical vials
Bespoke paperweights containing medical vials

The custom-made resin paperweights containing the vials are to be given as Christmas presents for the clinicians and admin staff of a primary care network (who have given up so many weekends over the past year to get them delivered).

Custom made paperweight gift for a Clinician

Obviously, the vials were empty (and sterilised) before they were sent to me. I encased the vials within bespoke square resin paperweights, and they turned out great

I am sure they made great gifts however the recipients may not want a reminder of the past year! I do hope this year is better for all of us and we manage to get back to the things that we love.


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