
Bespoke paperweight containing a prosthetic glass eye!

A lady named Pam contacted me recently and gave me a very unusual request for a bespoke paperweight to be custom-made. Pam wanted me to encase a prosthetic glass eye within a custom-made resin paperweight, with a message inside saying, ‘Keeping an eye on you.’

Clear resin domed paperweight containing a prosthetic eye
Prosthetic glass eye paperweight

Sadly, Pam’s husband Michael was in the late stages of dementia, and her sons, (who are now grown-up) had always wanted one of his prosthetic eyes as a keepsake. She decided to have custom made resin domed shaped paperweights made, each paperweight containing a single prosthetic glass eye and the words ‘Keeping an eye on you’ which have always been the words used since the Grandsons were small.

Pam loved receiving her paperweights and they were well-received by Michael’s sons. Sadly, Michael passed away recently, and Pam contacted me again to have more paperweights made in the same way for his two Grandsons.

Pam received her bespoke paperweights containing the glass eyes and left me this message: “Just letting you know I have received the eye paperweights, and they are amazing. The boys will love them.”

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my latest bespoke paperweights containing prosthetic glass eyes, I have to say they are one of the most unusual custom-made paperweights that I have ever made!


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